Ownership of the Site

This Site is the property of the DARDELIN CONSEILS company.

Head Office: 60, avenue Charles de Gaulle – 92200, NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE
Simplified Stock Company with a capital of 81 000 Euros
SIRET number: 379 750961 00045
Registration in the Trades and Companies Register of Paris: 379750961
Intra-community VAT : FR 20 379 750 961


The Website Publication Manager is M. Olivier DARDELIN, in the capacity
of President of DARDELIN CONSEILS.


Tel : +33 1 73 02 89 32


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Information technology, files and liberties acts

In accordance with Act n° 78-17 of January 6th 1978 relating to information technology,
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The title, design, form and content of the Site www.dardelin.com are the property of DARDELIN CONSEILS Ltd.
The DARDELIN CONSEILS brand is a registered brand with
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